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Why aren't there any design rule references in your sample PyCell code?
Ciranova Inc.
We've used the proprietary language which comes with our layout editor to write PCells for many years. Why should we switch?
Ciranova Inc.
I have written script code in SKILL to manipulate PCells in a DFII environment. Will this code work with PyCells without modification?
Ciranova Inc.
Can we release a library that uses your sample PyCell code?
Ciranova Inc.
What EDA tools have been tested with PyCells?
Ciranova Inc.
Can PyCells and PCells written in a vendor's legacy language coexist in the same OpenAccess database?
Ciranova Inc.
All I want to do is design a chip using a PyCell library I was given. What do I need and how much will it cost?
Ciranova Inc.
What else do I need to use PyCells, in addition to your software?
Ciranova Inc.
How do I instantiate PyCells in my design?
Ciranova Inc.
How can I use my SKILL PCells in OpenAccess tools other than Virtuoso?
Ciranova Inc.
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